Grooves & Sushi Deluxe Edition (USB) *Best Value!*

Grooves & Sushi Deluxe Edition (USB) *Best Value!*
Grooves & Sushi is a web series & recording project (Norm’s much-anticipated 3rd album as a leader) filmed live in Norm's living room. Each session assembled world-class musicians who had never played together prior to the taping, playing music that had never been performed before.
Featured guests include:
Mark Lettieri (Snarky Puppy)
Chris Coleman (Prince)
Gregg Bissonette (Ringo Starr)
Eddie Brown (Stevie Wonder)
Brian Willett (OneRepublic)
Zoro (Lenny Kravitz)
and many others.
An on-site sushi chef serves up inspiring eats as Norm & friends share their thoughts on music, creativity, art & much more.
Grooves & Sushi, Season One (12 full episodes*) in HD video
12 full song HD videos
All four Grooving for Heaven bass instructional programs
Norm's three albums (Grooves & Sushi, Tea in the Typhoon, Pondering the Sushi) to date as a leader (CD quality WAV audio files & digital artwork)
SPECIAL FEATURES: “My Gear” HD video + loads of “sushi hang” outtakes
Cool “Flash Pac” case (like a Blu-ray case) with artwork & liner notes.
32GB USB 3.0 in dark bamboo with Grooves & Sushi logo (plug & play on your TV or computer!)
VALUE IF PURCHASED SEPARATELY: $115 (but some content is exclusive to Deluxe Edition!)
* Episodes sound AND look much better here (much less file compression than YouTube)!
Audio CD version is available here.